WE just have to check if the numerator is greater than the denominator. Eg: 8/3 is an improper fraction. Every mixed fraction is an improper fraction.
If you start with a fraction p/q and are told that x/y is an equivalent fraction, then the simplest check is to cross-multiply: p*y must be equal to q*x.
Answer: You check to see if fraction written in simplest form if you can't divide it by the Greatest Common Factor anymore.
If the GCF of the numerator and the denominator is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
0.625 check other where if wrong
The address of the Wellington Pl is: 3800 Wilson Avenue, Wellington, 80549 0416
If the fractions are similar, they will simplify to the same fraction.
WE just have to check if the numerator is greater than the denominator. Eg: 8/3 is an improper fraction. Every mixed fraction is an improper fraction.
If you start with a fraction p/q and are told that x/y is an equivalent fraction, then the simplest check is to cross-multiply: p*y must be equal to q*x.
The address of the Inman Public Library is: 100 N. Main, Inman, 67546 0416
The address of the Montezuma Township Library is: 309 N. Aztec, Montezuma, 67867 0416
The address of the Frost Free Library is: 28 Jaffrey Road, Marlborough, 03455 0416
Answer: You check to see if fraction written in simplest form if you can't divide it by the Greatest Common Factor anymore.
If the GCF of the numerator and the denominator is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
Same as a proper fraction. You check whether you can divide numerator and denominator by the same number.
My Sisters' Place/Shelter can help 102 Pliny St, Hartford, CT - (860) 522-0416