cut cheese
Fresh fruit, green salad, and water
I can give you several sentences.He put his toys into their box.The men will box.Here is a box of crackers for a snack.
In the late 19th century the words crack and jack were paired. Cracker was an adjective meaning an expert or superior that dates from the 18th century. Prior to that crack was a noun meaning something superior and a verb to boast. Jack has been used for man since the 1500's as a noun then as an adjective. The snack crackerjack popcorn dates from 1890. So, if put together crackerjack means an expert/superior man.
Desert: sandy placeDessert: snack after dinner
No because of the tense it should be: Potato chips make a tasty snack
If you want your brain to work, you need a lot of rest.You also need good exercise. A healthy snack/meal would work too.
Check here:
if im correct, i've saw them a Target, K-mart and sometimes Walmart.
No, you cannot check your baggage because they want you to stay in your seat for your safety. Trust me they will not let you.
That is the correct spelling of "snack" (a small meal).
use the bathroom, drink a cup of water, midnight snack, check the house
No. Snack can be a noun or a verb. But the noun is used as a noun adjunct with other nouns, as in snack time, snack tray, or snack food.
what is snack
Most brands are, yes. But it is still important to check the label to see if there are artificial additives.
A snack is so called because it is a snack which is suppose to be eaten little for a filling for a hour or two.