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Q: How do you compare 2 numbers without using relational operators in c?
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How do you compare two numbers without using any operators in c?

You cannot compare 2 numbers without using relational operators. Certainly, you could subtract them, but you still need to test the result, and that is a relational operator in itself.

How do you add two numbers without any operators in maths?

Calculus Magic!

Largest of 3 numbers without using conditional or relational operators?

void main() { int a = 5; int b = 7; int c = 2; int res; res = (int)(a/b)?a:b; res = (int)(res/c)?res:c; printf("big num = %d",res); }

What is the simplify of 11 15 4 910 5 7?

There is no way to simplify a string of numbers without any operators.

What is 4.5 10 3?

It is a group of numbers without any operators separating them. It is therefore not possible to evaluate them as if they formed a numerical expression.

How many set of 5 numbers can be made with 2 7 3 1?

None without applying any binary operations because repeated use of a digit does not alter the cardinality of a set. If you can use operators, the answer depends on which operators and how they may be combined.

What is a relational completeness?

Relational completeness refers to the ability of a database management system to represent all relational operations and constraints. It ensures that the system can handle queries, updates, and integrity constraints effectively without compromising the accuracy or consistency of the data. Relational completeness is a key feature of relational database systems to ensure proper data management.

What are the functions of scientific notation?

To show very large or very small numbers, without writing out all the digits. To make it easy to compare such numbers, without having to count all the digits.

How do you find the greatest of two numbers without using the if-else comparison operators?

By subtracting any two of the numbers A-B , if the output number is negative , B IS GREAT and if its positive A is great

How a program in c that will add 2 numbers without using any operator?

Not possible. Let's not forget than in C the followings are all operators:+, -+=, -=++, --=&, *, []function-call

What is the relational database?

Relational database: Relational database means a collection data stored in different tables and each table are linked together by using primary key and foreign key. In relational database, data can be accessed from one table to another without reorganising the required table. The relational database was invented by E. F. Codd at IBM in 1970.

What is an expression in math?

a collection of symbols that jointly express a quantity