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Two ways: convert them to decimals or convert them to similar fractions and compare the numerators.
Two ways: Convert them to decimals and compare or convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and compare the numerators.
To compare fractions which are not similar, the fractions must be made similar by putting them over a common denominator. There are two similar ways of doing this:Find the lowest common multiple of the denominators. Multiply the first numerator by whatever number you multiply the first denominator by to get that multiple, and do the same with the second numerator and denominator. You can then compare the numerators.Multiply the first numerator by the second denominator, and the second numerator by the first denominator, and put both numerators over the product of the two denominators. You can then compare the numerators.
The same way as proper fractions. Make sure the denominators are the same. If they're not, convert them to equivalent fractions with similar denominators. Then you can see which numerator is greater.
Similar fractions are fractions with the same denominator. In order to add or subtract fractions they need to be similar.
You can compare similar fractions by looking at their numerators. You can compare dissimilar fractions by converting them to similar fractions and looking at their numerators. You can convert a dissimilar fraction to a similar fraction by finding the least common denominator.
Two ways: convert them to decimals or convert them to similar fractions and compare the numerators.
Two ways: Convert them to decimals and compare or convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and compare the numerators.
To compare fractions which are not similar, the fractions must be made similar by putting them over a common denominator. There are two similar ways of doing this:Find the lowest common multiple of the denominators. Multiply the first numerator by whatever number you multiply the first denominator by to get that multiple, and do the same with the second numerator and denominator. You can then compare the numerators.Multiply the first numerator by the second denominator, and the second numerator by the first denominator, and put both numerators over the product of the two denominators. You can then compare the numerators.
I assume you mean, with different denominators. If you want to add the fractions, subtract them, or compare them (determine which one is greater), you have to convert them to similar fractions (fractions with the same denominator) first. Converting to similar fractions is not necessary, and usually doesn't even help, if you want to multiply or divide fractions.
The same way as proper fractions. Make sure the denominators are the same. If they're not, convert them to equivalent fractions with similar denominators. Then you can see which numerator is greater.
to change dessimilar fractions to similar fractions you divide
To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.
you compare them
Similar fractions are those denominators the same.
You can either convert fractions to decimals and compare the decimal numbers; find equivalent fractions with the same denominator and then compare numerators or find equivalent fractions with the same numerator and then compare denominators.
you have to compare the common fractions