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Q: How do you compare two numbers that do not have the same number of digits?
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How do you compare whole numbers through the million?

A positive number is greater than a negative number. If both numbers are positive, the longer number - the one with more digits - is larger. If both have the same number of digits, compare the digits from the left, one at a time until you find one that is different. The one with the larger digit in this last comparison is the larger number.

Can you put this number in order -11.111 -111.11 1.11 11.1 -11.1 -1.11?

Answer: I cannot answer this question. I do not know where the numbers start and end. Answer: Put negative numbers before positive numbers. For the positive numbers, the one with the least digits is smaller. For the same number of digits, compare each digit until you find a different number of digits. For the negative numbers, it is the opposite as for positive numbers.

How do you compare two whole numbers that do not have the same amount of digits?

u cant

Is 1.320 less than 1.302?

Since the numbers have the same number of digits, just compare the digits one at a time, from left to right, until you find one digit that is greater in one number than in the other.

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In general, to find the greatest of several positive numbers:First, you should look which number has the most digits.If two numbers have the same amount of digits, compare the first digit from the left. If those to are the same, compare the next digit - and continue that way until you find two digits that are different.

How could I recognize a small number and a large number?

A positive number is larger than a negative number. For example, 5 is more than -8. For positive numbers: * The number with more digits is larger. For example, 123 is more than 28. * If two numbers have the same number of digits, compare the first digit. The number with the larger first digit is larger. For example, 207 is more than 128. * If the first digit is the same, compare the second digit. If those are the same, compare the third digit, etc. For example, 2280 is more than 2245. To compare two negative numbers, the number which - without the minus sign - would be SMALLER, is the larger number. For instance, -8 is more than -9.

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same number of significant digits

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5.43 is greater than 5.34. To find this, is to compare the first digits from left to right in both sides of the two given numbers. if they are same, move to the next second digits and on til you find the number that has bigger digit

How to use significant digits in multiplication?

When multiplying numbers with different numbers of significant digits, the result should have the same number of significant digits as the least precise measurement. Count the number of significant digits in each number, perform the multiplication as usual, and then round the result to the least number of significant digits used in the calculation.

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They are both 4554454 with the same digits in the same order and position so they are the same number.

What is the definition of a compatible number?

this means two numbers that are the same and that can compare

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