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Lost data can not be regained. There may be techniques to infer the missing data from the rest of that data but it would be domain specific and you may not be able to derive meaningful statistics from such a data set.

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Q: How do you complete set of data that appears in a row in a data source?
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What is a complete set of data that appears in a row in a data source?

the firest kid ever!

What is called row in access?

When viewing the data it appears across the screen in column and row formats similar to that of a spreadsheet

What is the first row in a data source?

*Header row*, lol stupid comp. skills class...

What a row and column in spreasheet is called?

it is labeled with data source.

The first row of a table used as a data source should contain?

Column Names.

The first row in a data source is called what?

*Header row*, lol stupid comp. skills class...

Can excel spreadsheet be used as the data source for a word mail merge?

Yes it can be, as long as the data has been laid out properly, with the field headings in the first row and the data in the columns below that.

What is row source?

It is which records or rows are used as the source for the data that is being shown or processed.It is which records or rows are used as the source for the data that is being shown or processed.It is which records or rows are used as the source for the data that is being shown or processed.It is which records or rows are used as the source for the data that is being shown or processed.It is which records or rows are used as the source for the data that is being shown or processed.It is which records or rows are used as the source for the data that is being shown or processed.It is which records or rows are used as the source for the data that is being shown or processed.It is which records or rows are used as the source for the data that is being shown or processed.It is which records or rows are used as the source for the data that is being shown or processed.It is which records or rows are used as the source for the data that is being shown or processed.It is which records or rows are used as the source for the data that is being shown or processed.

If a newly created chart appears to have the data on the vertical and horizonal axes switched what charting feature can fix this mix-up?

Switch Row/Column.

What is a row in a database called?

A database is said to be a collection of records and the data is stored in the table. A table consist of number of rows and columns. Row in the database table is known as a record .

How do you transpose a row of data to a column in Excel?

Select and copy the row data.Go to the top cell of the column where you would like to copy the data.Click on copy - transpose.Observe the data from the row in the column.Go back and delete the row data.

What is the technique called that conceals data in excel?

There are many options. Two common methods are:Hide the row or column that contains the data. This way, you do not see that row or column.Change the font color to the same as the cell background (usually white). This way, the cell appears empty.