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Q: How do you compute the area of a circle?
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How do you compute area inside a circle?

3.14 X Radius Squared ?

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The area of a circle is: pi times radius squared

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for a kid friendly explanation: You multiply the area of the circle on the top of the cylinder and multiply it by how high it is(the cylinder)

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{A program to compute the area of a triangle} {by Ogboin W. Meshach} Var; b,h:real; BEGIN Writeln('Triangle'); Write('Base: '); Readln(base); Write('Height: '); Readln(height); area:=0.5*base*height; Writeln('Area: ', area :0:2); End.

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The area of a circle depends on the radius Use the equation Ar equals r2 to compute A7 Round your answer to the nearest hundredth?


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In order to compute the waistline measurement of a circle skirt, you first need to determine what type if waist you are going to want.

How do you compute circumference of a circle?

Times the diametre by pi

How do you compute the square footage inside a circle?

Multiply the diameter by 3.1415 NO - ignore that! Diameter x pi (3.1416) is the circumference, the distance around a circle. Square footage is area, so the correct formula is Area = 3.1416 times radius squared. The radius would be measured in feet.

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Volume and area of a circle #include #include using namespace std; double radius; const double PI= 3.14; double height; void enterValues(){ cout

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