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You find z = (u - m)/s and the look up the Pr(Z > z) in the tables of cumulative probability of the normal distribution. Note that the tables only give the probabilities for Pr(Z <= z) for z >=0. So Pr(Z > z) = 1 - Pr(Z<=z). Also, if z < 0 then you will need to use the symmetry of Z about the value 0.

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Q: How do you compute the probability pY and gtu given a random variable Y has a normal distribution with mean m and variance s2.?
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What is z value?

If a random variable (RV) X is distributed Normally with mean m and standard deviation sthenZ = (X - m)/s is the corresponding Normal variable which is distributed with mean 0 and variance 1. The distribution of X is difficult to compute but that for Z is readily available. It can be used to find the probabilities of the RV lying in different domains and thereby for testing hypotheses.

How do you compute expected value from random discreet variable?

Follow these steps:Find all the values that the random variable (RV) can take, x.For each x, find the probability that the RV takes than value, p(x).Multiply them: x*p(x).Sum these over all possible values of x.The above sum is the expected value of the RV, X.

Why do we have to compute for the mean median mode and standard deviation?

To obtain a much better, simpler, and more practical understanding of the data distribution.

How do you compute the p-value?

The first step in calculating a p-value is to make a hypothesis of the statistical model for your study. You then assume that the hypothesis is true and calculate the probability of observing an outcome at least as extreme as the one that you did observe. This probability is the p-value.

What is the outcome if you roll a12 number dice 3 time?

You are asking a question about experimental probability. The problem with that type of question is that the answer is different each time you run the experiment. That's why we call it experimental probability. The outcome will be different each time you run the experiment.This is different than theoretical probability, where you can compute a probability based on some a priori knowledge of the conditions of the experiment. For instance, if you asked me what the probability of throwing a 3 or a 4 on a 12 number die, I could easily compute that as 2 in 12, or 1 in 6, or about 0.1667. Even multiple experiments can be predicted. For instance, if you asked me what was the probability of throwing a 3 or a 4 on a 12 number die three times in a row, I could also easily compute that as (2 in 12)3 or about 0.004630.Alas, experimental and theoretical probability part company and one does not assure the other, unless you run a very large number of tests but, even then, you only do what we call approachthe theoretical results with the experimental outcome.

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How do you compute the probability Y and gt you given a random variable Y has a normal distribution with mean m and variance s2.?

This is supposed to be Y &gt; u

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How do you compute discrete variables?

You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.

Which of the following is incorrect Select one a. Probability distribution is used to compute continuous random variables b. Probability distribution equals to one. c. Probability distribution is used?

b is incorrect while c is virtually meaningless.

What is z value?

If a random variable (RV) X is distributed Normally with mean m and standard deviation sthenZ = (X - m)/s is the corresponding Normal variable which is distributed with mean 0 and variance 1. The distribution of X is difficult to compute but that for Z is readily available. It can be used to find the probabilities of the RV lying in different domains and thereby for testing hypotheses.

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How do you compute expected value from random discreet variable?

Follow these steps:Find all the values that the random variable (RV) can take, x.For each x, find the probability that the RV takes than value, p(x).Multiply them: x*p(x).Sum these over all possible values of x.The above sum is the expected value of the RV, X.