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Q: How do you construct linear programming problems?
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What is the strong duality proof for linear programming problems?

The strong duality proof for linear programming problems states that if a linear programming problem has a feasible solution, then its dual problem also has a feasible solution, and the optimal values of both problems are equal. This proof helps to show the relationship between the primal and dual problems in linear programming.

What are the scope of linear programming?

Linear programming can be used to solve problems requiring the optimisation (maximum or minimum) of a linear objective function when the variables are subject to a linear constraints.

What is application of linear programming?

It is used in many optimization problems.

What has the author A N Ahmed written?

A. N. Ahmed has written: 'Experiments in reduction techniques for linear and integer programming' 'A modified production procedure for linear programming problems'

What type of linear programming can be found by graphical methods?

A linear programming question with two variables. Problems with three can be solved if there is a constraint that reduces them to effectively two variables. Linear programming with 3 variables, using 3-d graphs is possible but not recommended.

What do you understand by linear programming?

1. What do you understand by Linear Programming Problem? What are the requirements of Linear Programming Problem? What are the basic assumptions of Linear Programming Problem?

Can you use differential equations in linear programming?

I'm not altogether clear about what you mean. However, the term 'linear programming' means a category of optimisation problems in which both the objective function and the constraints are linear. Please see the link.

What do you understand by linear programming problem?

1. What do you understand by Linear Programming Problem? What are the requirements of Linear Programming Problem? What are the basic assumptions of Linear Programming Problem?

Can a linear programming problem have two optimal solutions?

No. However, a special subset of such problems: integer programming, can have two optimal solutions.

Define linear programming?

necessity of linear programming on organization.

Similarities between graphical and simplex methods?

both are used to solve linear programming problems

What is the significance of duality theory of linear programming Describe the general rules for writing the dual of a linear programming problem?

the significance of duality theory of linear programming