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Q: How do you convert 0.1 N HCl to 0.01 N HCl?
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What percent is 1 N HCL?

1 N HCl (hydrochloric acid) is equivalent to a concentration of 0.1 M (molarity), which means it contains 1 mole of HCl per liter of solution. The percentage of HCl in 1 N solution is about 3.65%, calculated based on the molecular weight of HCl.

How much water is needed to dilute 10 L of 3.0 N HCl solution to 0.2 N HCl solution?

To dilute a 3.0 N HCl solution to 0.2 N, you would need to dilute it 15 times (3.0 N / 0.2 N = 15). So, for 10 L of 3.0 N HCl, you would need to add 140 L of water to achieve a 0.2 N HCl solution (10 L * 15 = 150 L total, subtracting the original 10 L of HCl).

What is the meaning of N in N HCl?

N is the chemical symbol for nitrogen in the compound NHCl.

How do you convert 37 percent HCL in normality?

To convert percent HCl to normality, first divide the percent concentration by the molar mass of HCl to get the molarity. Then, since normality is the number of equivalents of solute per liter of solution, for HCl you would multiply the molarity by 1 (since HCl provides 1 equivalent of H+ ion). So, 37% HCl would be 37/36.5 = 1.01 M HCl, which is equivalent to 1.01 N HCl.

.001 equal to how many thou?

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Ask us anythingprepare 250ml of 0.05N HCl from the 0.1N HCl .?

Mix 125 mL 0,1 N HCl with 125 mL water.

When was N. Ravi born?

N. Ravi was born on 1948-01-01.

How do you prepare 5N hcl solution?

520 ml of HCl in 480 ml of water=1000ml = 5 N

Why standard normality of HCl is 11.3 N?

The standard normality of HCl is 11.3 N because it is a strong acid with one hydrogen ion, which means that one mole of HCl will dissociate into one mole of hydrogen ions. Normality is a concentration unit that takes into account the number of equivalents of the solute in a solution. For HCl, the equivalent weight is equal to the molar mass, which is 36.46 g/mol, so 11.3 N corresponds to 11.3 moles of HCl per liter of solution.

Difference in the solubality of ciprofloxacin in water and 0.1N HCl solution i-e. I mean to ask that either in water or 0.1 N HCl solution the ciprofloxacin is more soluble?

Ciprofloxacin is more soluble in 0.1 N HCl solution compared to water. The solubility of ciprofloxacin increases in acidic solutions like HCl due to its acidic nature, which helps to increase its solubility in the 0.1 N HCl solution.

How prepare 0.1 N HCL?

To prepare 0.1 N HCl solution, dilute 1 volume of concentrated hydrochloric acid (approximately 37% HCl) with 9 volumes of water (distilled or deionized). This will give you a 0.1 N (normal) solution of HCl. Always remember to add acid to water slowly and with good mixing to prevent splattering and to avoid generating excessive heat.

How will you prepare one liter of 0.1 N HCL solution from 12 N HCL?

To prepare 1 liter of 0.1N HCl solution from 12N HCl, you would need to dilute the 12N HCl by a factor of 120. To do this, you would add approximately 83.33 mL of 12N HCl to a container and then dilute it with water to reach a final volume of 1 liter. Make sure to mix the solution thoroughly after dilution.