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0.25 of an hour equals 15 minutes.

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Q: How do you convert 1.25 hours into hours and minutes?
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How many hours in 1.25 minutes?

125 minutes = 125/60 hours = 2.08333 hours (2 hours 5 minutes)

How do you convert 1.33 minutes into hours?

To convert minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60.

125 minutes equals how many hours and minutes?

2 hours, 5 minutes

How do you calculate minutes vs hours?

To convert minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60. Multiply the number of hours by 60 to convert hours to minutes.

Is 125 minutes an hour?

No, 125 minutes is 2 1/12 hours. 60 minutes is an hour.

How many hours and minutes is 125 minutes?

2 hours 5 mins

If it took to drive 125 miles in 2 hours how long will it take her to get 146 miles?

To work out this sort of problem we need to seewhat the ration of 146 to 125 is, and apply that to 2 hours. So, 146/125 = 1.168 Now we multiply that by 2 hours, and we get 2.336 hours. You don't say this, but I presume that you are required to give the answer in hours and minutes. 0.336 hours must be multiplied by 60 to convert it to minutes, and that results in 20.16 So, slightly over 2 hours and 20 minutes.

How many hours is in 7500 minutes?

125 hours.

How do convert 10 days to hours then to minutes?

To convert days to hours, multiply by 24. 10 days X 24 hours = 240 hours. To convert hours to minutes, multiply by 60. 240 hours X 60 minutes = 14,400 minutes.

How many hours in 7542 seconds?

7542 =125 minutes and 42 seconds 125 minutes = 2 hours and 5 minutes therefore 7542 seconds = 2 hours 5 minutes and 42 seconds.

How many minutes are 2 hours and 5 minutes?


How do you convert hours and minutes to minutes?

take away the minutes and convert the hours to minutes 1h=60min when you are done add the original minutes back