510 billion divided by 1.15 trillion = 0.4435 (rounded). To convert decimal to percentage, you multiply the decimal by 100. 0.4435 (rounded) x 100 = 44.35 510 billion is about 44.35% of 1.15 trillion.
1.08 billion written as a decimal is 1,080,000,000.0
1.04 billion in decimal form is 1,040,000,000
51 billion in decimal or standard form is 51,000,000,000
In the common manner that billion is used, a billion is 1,000 million. In order to convert billion into millions, multiply by 1,000
510 billion divided by 1.15 trillion = 0.4435 (rounded). To convert decimal to percentage, you multiply the decimal by 100. 0.4435 (rounded) x 100 = 44.35 510 billion is about 44.35% of 1.15 trillion.
You cannot convert a decimal into a decimal!
0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.
to convert a number into billions you simply divide the number by 1 billion (1,000,000,000), then you would write the word "billion" after the number.
1.08 billion written as a decimal is 1,080,000,000.0
Convert 29.53 to decimal
1.04 billion in decimal form is 1,040,000,000
51 billion in decimal or standard form is 51,000,000,000
In the common manner that billion is used, a billion is 1,000 million. In order to convert billion into millions, multiply by 1,000
The answer will depend on what you want to convert into a decimal number.
multiply the decimal by 100 to convert it into a percent.