You can't since they measure different properties. You cannot express a length in units of volume. It's like asking "what is the height of the Statue of Liberty in cubic meters?".
560 cubic feet are 15.857434092 cubic meters.
You can't convert that. One is a unit of length, the other, of area. You can convert meters to centimeters, square meters to square centimeters, or cubic meters to cubic centimeters.
If by "cbm" you mean "cubic meters", you can't convert that.
You cannot convert cubic meters per second to meters per second. You cannot convert volume to length.
20 x 20 metres
You can convert cubic feet to cubic meters, or feet to meters. But you can't convert cubic feet to meters.
To convert a thousand standard cubic feet to million cubic meters, you would first convert standard cubic feet to cubic meters by dividing by 35.3147. Then, divide the result by 1,000 to convert cubic meters to million cubic meters.
There is no direct conversion. Cubic meters is volume and square meters is area.
To convert cubic meters to cubic centimeters, multiply the number of cubic meters by 1,000,000 (since there are 1,000,000 cubic centimeters in a cubic meter). For example, to convert 3 cubic meters to cubic centimeters, you would calculate 3 cubic meters * 1,000,000 = 3,000,000 cubic centimeters.
Multiply cubic meters by 1,000.
Cubic inches x 0.0000164 = cubic meters
To convert cubic meters to cubic millimeters, you would need to multiply the number of cubic meters by 1,000,000,000 (since there are 1,000,000 cubic millimeters in a cubic meter).
To convert cubic meters to liters, you can multiply the volume in cubic meters by 1000. Therefore, to convert 30.33 cubic meters to liters, you would multiply 30.33 by 1000 to get 30,330 liters.
Does not convert. Cubic meters is volume and square meters is area.
Cubic meters cannot be converted into meters; cubic meters are units of volume and meters are units of length.
cubic meters x 1,000 = liters
liters x 0.001 = cubic meters