One method:
Take the decimal number, divide by 8.
The remainder of the division will be the least significant (rightmost) digit of the octal number.
Take the quotient from the previous step, divide it by 8. The remainder will be the next digit of the octal number (going right to left).
Repeat until the quotient is 0.
Example: Convert 300 to octal.
300/8 = 37 Remainder 4.
37/8 = 4 remainder 5.
4/8 = 0 remainder 4.
So the octal number is 454.
You can test this by calculating:
4 * 8^2 + 5 * 8^1 + 4 * 8^0
= 4*64 + 5*8 + 4
= 256 + 40 + 4 = 300.
Octal: 56704534 Decimal: 12290396
That can't be an octal number; it has an 8 in it.
166 in decimal
262 octal is178 decimal.262 decimal is406 octal
Octal: 56704534 Decimal: 12290396
(83)base10 to octal
A45C: Decimal = 42076 Octal = 122134
BB895C: Octal = 56704534 Decimal = 12290396
221122: Binary = 1000100001000100100010 Octal = 10410442 Decimal = 2232610
Octal = 56704534 Decimal = 12290396
In binary this number is equivalent to 11111000011 while in octal it is 3703
That can't be an octal number; it has an 8 in it.
166 in decimal
262 octal is178 decimal.262 decimal is406 octal