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There's no definite standard. A 2 iron is typically 18

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Q: How do you convert degrees to numbers on golf clubs and what would 14point5 and 16point5 degrees be in numbers?
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How do you convert radians to exact numbers?

the formula to convert degrees to radiansangle in radians = angle in degrees * Pi / 180 .

How do you convert degrees from a circle graph into numbers?

360 degrees = Total number, T. So a sector of x degrees is equivalent to x*T/360 units.

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When you convert both numbers into the same unit, in this case, Fahrenheit, 21 degrees Celsius would be 68.9 degrees F. So, 21 degrees C is higher than 19 degrees F.

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You cannot. A degree is a measure of angular separation (or temperature, or academic qualification), whereas a number in billions is just that: a pure number. You cannot convert a number into a measure of some characteristic.

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You cannot convert even numbers to triangular numbers! There is no such relationship.

How do you use bahttext function to convert English text in excel?

It converts numbers to Thai text. So if you wanted the number 6 in Thai, you can do something like this: =BAHTTEXT(6) It does not convert actual text and it does not convert numbers to English text.

How do you convert negative numbers to rational numbers?

You do nothing. They are already rational numbers.

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You don't convert from units to "numbers". You convert from one unit to another unit. You can convert from km to meters, to millimeters, or to some other unit of length.

How do you convert numbers?

25ft to 12cm

Convert the following decimal numbers into their equivalent binary numbers and then convert the resulting binary numbers back into the decimal numbers a. 6401 b. 1010110?

a) 6401 in Binary is 1100100000001b) 1010110 in decimal is 86

How do you write in numbers 27 degrees?

Twenty-seven degrees.

Can you please tell me how to convert English numbers to Babylonian numbers?

No, because there is no such thing as English numbers.