The line in a fraction can be read as "divided by." 3/4 = 3 divided by 4.
Do the division. 3/4 = 0.75
All you have to do is convert either the fractions to decimals or the decimals to fractions. If you do not know lets say what one sixth is, just divide 6 by 100 on a calculator and round it. 100/6=16.6666666 so just round to 16.6, but since 100= 1 in decimals to fractions write it 0.16. hope i helped! Seventh grade intensified mathematician PS this math is for fifth and sixth grader and if you didn't know the answer you could have looked in your math textbook.
You need decimals when you measure and fractions. You need decimals, because to measure and fractions. Also, so whole numbers could exist if there are decimals. There will be no math if there's no decimals.
math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it
wat dooes convert mean in math like fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.i ask that question because im doing www.firstinmath on the other line and it kept saying convert CONVERT CONVERT CONVERT.
If we didn't have decimals, fractions and percentages math would be impossible. Try answering 1.7 - 0.6 without a decimal, and get the right answer. It has not made math easier or harder, it is an element we need.
it depends on what you're converting. fractions to decimals, decimals to fractions, etc. there are so many different ways. what are you converting? then maybe i can help
All you have to do is convert either the fractions to decimals or the decimals to fractions. If you do not know lets say what one sixth is, just divide 6 by 100 on a calculator and round it. 100/6=16.6666666 so just round to 16.6, but since 100= 1 in decimals to fractions write it 0.16. hope i helped! Seventh grade intensified mathematician PS this math is for fifth and sixth grader and if you didn't know the answer you could have looked in your math textbook.
you have to do 1. algebra 2. fractions 3. decimals and more stuff like that
A math teacher or a mathematician.
In 6th Grade, you learn how to Multiply and Divide Fractions and Decimals. And learn square roots, the Powers of Ten.
Practice 5.2 in fourth grade typically refers to a math skill related to fractions or decimals. It may involve tasks such as comparing fractions, adding and subtracting decimals, or solving word problems involving fractions and decimals. The specific content can vary depending on the curriculum being followed.
You can find math worksheets for sixth grade students at These worksheets cover a variety of topics such as decimals, fractions, and equations.
Its mostly algebra- fractions decimals percents proportions equations expression ratios and etc
You need decimals when you measure and fractions. You need decimals, because to measure and fractions. Also, so whole numbers could exist if there are decimals. There will be no math if there's no decimals.
A strong working understanding of fractions and decimals is essential for nurses. They must be familiar enough with fractions and decimals to quickly and accurately divide, multiply, add and subtract dosages as well as convert fractions to decimals and vice versa. Conceptual understating of fractions and decimals is essential since half doses, extra doses and time-delayed dosages must be calculated correctly. Nurses also need to know how to convert fractions and decimals to percentages in order to explain medication instructions accurately and easily to their patients. Read more about how math is related to nursing at the link I provided below.
try reading the math book
You can learn more about converting decimals into fractions by taking math classes. You can also learn more about converting decimals into fractions on various websites like MathisFun and WebMath.