A strong working understanding of fractions and decimals is essential for nurses. They must be familiar enough with fractions and decimals to quickly and accurately divide, multiply, add and subtract dosages as well as convert fractions to decimals and vice versa. Conceptual understating of fractions and decimals is essential since half doses, extra doses and time-delayed dosages must be calculated correctly. Nurses also need to know how to convert fractions and decimals to percentages in order to explain medication instructions accurately and easily to their patients.
Read more about how math is related to nursing at the link I provided below.
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You can use decimals in money.
A math teacher or a mathematician.
Decimals are used in money. There is a real difference between a 1.99 and 199.00.
There are many ways that people use decimals. One may encounter decimals when weighing fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. Decimals are also often used when keeping time, during a track meet or a marathon, for instance.
The Chinese were the first to use decimals. Decimals were developed and used in the 1st century B.C. in China and then spread to the Middle East and Europe.
You can use decimals in money.
Accountants use decimals by simply dividing the fractions and getting a decimal number. One does not need to be an accountant to use decimals.
How you use decimals in real life.We use decimals when buying a grocery items in the market. Example the price of potato is $20.19.
In a tenths situation is when sky divers use decimals.
money uses decimals
decimals are most commonly seen in money.
No. Gasoline is inanimate and does not use decimals. Full Stop.
fractions are just decimals in a different form.A cereal box has decimals on its network
Well, decimals can be used for voting.
Percents are basically decimals, and we use decimals as numbers with extra, tiny proportions. Percents are just ways to make those decimals into a whole, more friendlier number. But, percents can also be made with decimals as well.
A math teacher or a mathematician.
In the context of money, there are typically two numbers behind the decimal point. This is because currency is usually divided into units and cents. For example, in $10.25, the number 25 represents cents, and there are two numbers behind the decimal point.