Divide the denominator into the numerator. Multiply the answer by 100.
A calculator can convert numbers that appear as decimals into numbers that appear as fractions. Fractions are generally considered more easy to use then decimals.
by dividing the number by 100.
The usual method is to convert the fractions to equivalent fractions with a common denominator. Then you can simply compare the numerators. You can also convert each of the fractions to a decimal - this can easily be done with a calculator, simply divide the numerator by the denominator.
To convert fractions to percents all you have to do is carry out the division. In this case it's 1317/4089. Plug that into your calculator and you'll get something like .32 To convert to a percent you multiply by one hundred, so if my guess was right it'd be 32%
Yes. Convert the fractions to a common denominator, then you can easily compare. Or convert them to decimals - that's easy with a calculator. That also lets you compare easily.
A calculator can convert numbers that appear as decimals into numbers that appear as fractions. Fractions are generally considered more easy to use then decimals.
by dividing the number by 100.
You either convert the fractions to a common denominator, and then compare, or you convert them to their decimal equivalent and then compare. The latter can quickly be done with a calculator.
The usual method is to convert the fractions to equivalent fractions with a common denominator. Then you can simply compare the numerators. You can also convert each of the fractions to a decimal - this can easily be done with a calculator, simply divide the numerator by the denominator.
To convert fractions to percents all you have to do is carry out the division. In this case it's 1317/4089. Plug that into your calculator and you'll get something like .32 To convert to a percent you multiply by one hundred, so if my guess was right it'd be 32%
Yes. Convert the fractions to a common denominator, then you can easily compare. Or convert them to decimals - that's easy with a calculator. That also lets you compare easily.
Remove the % sign and divide the number by 100.
If doing it without a calculator, then convert each mixed fraction into a top-heavy equivalent fraction and then multiply as for fractions.
How do you convert fractions to what?
To convert 30% to a decimal divide by 100: 30% ÷ 100 = 0.3 (enter 0.3 on the calculator).
The easiest way is to take a calculator, and divide the numerator by the denominator. If you are not supposed to use a calculator, divide the numerator by the denominator on paper.
Do the division. Multiply by 100 6/5 = 1.2 = 120%