Grams are a measure of weight, a square meter is a measure of area, and a cubic meter is a measure of volume. These are not comparable.
Impossible!!! Cubic meter is a volume measure and square meter is a measure of area!!!
This is not a valid conversion. Cubic units is a measure of volume while square units is a measure of area.
How we convert 3.96gm/meter square to kg/metric ton
5 cm = 0.05 meter0.072 cubic meter / 0.05 meter = 1.44 square meter
Divide by 10000.
Impossible!!! Cubic meter is a volume measure and square meter is a measure of area!!!
27 cubic meters
it is impossible. square meter is a unit of area and cubic meter is of volume.
You simply can't convert that.
This is not a valid conversion. Cubic units is a measure of volume while square units is a measure of area.
How we convert 3.96gm/meter square to kg/metric ton
5 cm = 0.05 meter0.072 cubic meter / 0.05 meter = 1.44 square meter
Divide by 10000.
Multiply by the amount of square metres
This is not a valid conversion because cubic meters is a measure of volume while grams is a measure of weight or mass.
You cannot convert bearing weight or pressure to a linear distance.A gram is equal to 0.0022 pounds. For these purposes, a kilogram (1000 g) is often more usable(1 kg = 2.2 pounds)A square meter is equal to about 1.196 square yards. A square yard is 0.836 square meters.- To convert GRAMS PER SQUARE METER to GRAMS PER SQUARE YARDmultiply by 0.836- To convert GRAMS PER SQUARE METER to POUNDS PER SQUARE YARDmultiply by 0.001843- To convert KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE METER to POUNDS PER SQUARE YARDmultiply by 1.843
How do you convert to grams per square meter For Example if a towel 700 grams the size of towel is 26 by 50