Cubic meter is a volume measure and square meter is a measure of area!!!
This is not a valid conversion. Cubic units is a measure of volume while square units is a measure of area.
5 cm = 0.05 meter0.072 cubic meter / 0.05 meter = 1.44 square meter
Grams are a measure of weight, a square meter is a measure of area, and a cubic meter is a measure of volume. These are not comparable.
How to convert Cubic meter to BTU
You do not. A cubic metre is a measure of volume, a square metre is a measure of area. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
27 cubic meters
it is impossible. square meter is a unit of area and cubic meter is of volume.
You simply can't convert that.
This is not a valid conversion. Cubic units is a measure of volume while square units is a measure of area.
5 cm = 0.05 meter0.072 cubic meter / 0.05 meter = 1.44 square meter
Grams are a measure of weight, a square meter is a measure of area, and a cubic meter is a measure of volume. These are not comparable.
Invalid conversion: square meters is a measure of area and cubic meters is a measure of volume.
1 (cubic meter) = 35.3146667 cubic feet.
Cubic meters measure volume (3-dimensional), while square meters measure area (2-dimensional). Therefore, you cannot directly convert cubic meters to square meters.
Sorry, you can only convert 1 metric ton of water to cubic meters (not square meters). Square meters are an area and cubic meters are a volume.
To convert square meters to cubic centimeters, you need to have the height or depth of the space in meters. Once you have the height in meters, you can multiply the square meters by 1,000,000 to convert to square centimeters and then multiply by the height in centimeters to get the volume in cubic centimeters.
How to convert Cubic meter to BTU