convert mins to hours you divide by 60
1 hour = 60 minutes. To convert from hours to minutes, multiply by 60. To convert from minutes to hours, divide by 60.
There are 24 hrs in a day. 138*24 is 3312 hrs. This added to the hours and mins is 3330 hrs and 39 mins
Well, if 1 hr is 60 mins, 1:60, apply this to 4.75:x 4.75*60 is 285 mins.
2 hours and 4 minutes
convert mins to hours you divide by 60
There are 60 minutes in an hour. To convert mins to hours, you divide by 60. To convert hours to mins, you multiply by 60
To convert hours to minutes, multiply the hours by 60.
1 hour = 60 minutes. To convert from hours to minutes, multiply by 60. To convert from minutes to hours, divide by 60.
There are 24 hrs in a day. 138*24 is 3312 hrs. This added to the hours and mins is 3330 hrs and 39 mins
1 day = 24 hours 1 hour = 60 mins 2 days 3 mins - 5 hours 11 mins = (1 + 1) day 3 mins - 5 hours 11 mins = 1 day 24 hours 3 mins - 5 hours 11 mins = 1 day (23 + 1) hours 3 mins - 5 hours 11 mins = 1 day 23 hours (60 + 3) mins - 5 hrs 11 mins = 1 day 23 hours 63 mins - 5 hrs 11 mins = 1 day (23 - 5) hours (63 - 11) mins = 1 day 18 hours 52 mins.
Well, if 1 hr is 60 mins, 1:60, apply this to 4.75:x 4.75*60 is 285 mins.
Akron, OH - 3 hours 15 mins. Buffalo, NY - 4 hours 45 mins Chicago, IL - 4 hours 45 mins. Cincinnati, OH - 4 hours 15 mins. Cleveland, OH - 2 hours 45 mins Columbus, OH - 3 hours 30 mins Dayton, OH - 3 hours 30 mins. Indianapolis, IN - 5 hours Lexington, KY - 5 hours 45 mins Louisville, KY - 5 hours 45 mins Madison, WI - 7 hours 45 mins Milwaukee, WI - 6 hours 30 mins Pittsburgh, PA - 5 hours Rochester, NY - 6 hours Springfield, IL - 8 hours Syracuse, NY - 7 hours 15 mins Toronto, ON - 4 hours 30 mins
2 hours and 4 minutes
one hour = to 60 mins . 15 mins = to 0.25 hours the answer is o.25 hours and 40 mins
2 hours and 40 minutes.
1 hours and 5 minutes