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You don't . . . they are the same thing. "Siemens" is the SI unit being used to replace the ohm. (Ohm spelled backward)

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Q: How do you convert siemens to mhos?
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What standard electrical measurement unit has replaced Mhos?

Siemens, unit: S. Named after Ernst von Siemens.

What is the symbol for mhos?

The symbol for mhos is ℧, which is the inverted Greek letter omega (Ω). It is used to represent the unit of electrical conductance, which is equivalent to siemens (S).

Can you put this in terms 168.2ms for conductivity that i can understand?

Siemens is a unit of conductivity - it is the reciprocal of resistance. Mhos is also used for this measure.

How do you convert micro ohms to siemens?

Ohm is the reciprocal of Siemens. Ohm = 1/Siemens.

How do you convert 123 milliohms to microsiemens?

Siemens is the reciprocal of ohm. You can convert from milliohms to ohms, then take the reciprocal. The answer will be in Siemens.

How do you convert from mhos per centimeters to microsiemens per centimeters?

To convert from mhos per centimeter to microsiemens per centimeter, you can use the conversion factor 1 mho/cm = 1000 µS/cm. Multiply the value in mhos/cm by 1000 to get the equivalent value in microsiemens/cm.

Why is conductance representted by the letter g?

No particular reason. Perhaps because the upside-down omega looks a bit like a gamma. Conductance in Mhos now is measures in Siemens (S).

What does Siemens measure?

Siemens measures electrical conductance. It is the dimensional reciprocal of Ohms. So if you measured resistance at 0.002 Ohms, the equivalent conductance is 500 Siemens. Note, this unit has been called mhos (Ohm spelled backward) as well. The symbol is an upside down greek upper-case omega character (just like Ohm uses a greek omega).

How do you Convert mega ohms to micro siemens?

S = 1/R Where S = Conductance in Siemens R = Resistance in Ohms If R is in Mega Ohms, S will be in Micro Siemens

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What is the hardness of cubic zircons?

It is 7.5 on the MHOS scale.

Who is the manufacturer of SIEMENS light?
