Convert to a common denominator; convert to decimal; compare denominators (larger denominator = smaller fraction, if the numerator is the same).
To find how many hundredths are in two fifths, we first need to convert two fifths to a decimal. Two fifths is equal to 0.4 as a decimal. To convert 0.4 to hundredths, we multiply by 100, which gives us 40 hundredths. Therefore, there are 40 hundredths in two fifths.
6.9 or 69/10
The answer is 1.4 because seven fifths is equal to 1 and two fifths. You multiply the two parts of the fraction by 2 which gives you 1 and four tenths. which is equivalent to 1.4
six and two-fifths as a decimal= 6.4
To convert 1 and two fifths to decimal form, first convert the whole number 1 to a decimal, which is 1. Then, convert the fraction two fifths to a decimal by dividing 2 by 5, which equals 0.4. Finally, add the two decimal numbers together to get the decimal form of 1 and two fifths, which is 1.4.
Two fifths, as a fraction, is equivalent to four tenths, which is .4 as a decimal. Two fifths, as a percentage, is 40%.
Three and two-fifths.
To convert the fraction 14/25 to a decimal, you would divide the numerator (14) by the denominator (25). This division would result in 0.56 when rounded to two decimal places. Therefore, fourteen twenty-fifths as a decimal is 0.56.
Convert to a common denominator; convert to decimal; compare denominators (larger denominator = smaller fraction, if the numerator is the same).
To find how many hundredths are in two fifths, we first need to convert two fifths to a decimal. Two fifths is equal to 0.4 as a decimal. To convert 0.4 to hundredths, we multiply by 100, which gives us 40 hundredths. Therefore, there are 40 hundredths in two fifths.
6.9 or 69/10
1.4 as a fraction equals 7/5 (seven fifths), or as a mixed number 1 2/5 (one and two fifths).
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 2/25, or two twenty-fifths, is equal to 0.08.
The answer is 1.4 because seven fifths is equal to 1 and two fifths. You multiply the two parts of the fraction by 2 which gives you 1 and four tenths. which is equivalent to 1.4