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Q: How do you convert tile lineal ft into square ft?
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How many sq ft in 10.16 lineal ft x 11 lineal ft?

Multiply the two together to convert to area. The answer is 111.76 square feet.

Need to convert 50000 lineal ft into square ft how to do?

The question, as stated, cannot be answered sensibly. A square foot is a measure of area, with dimensions [L2]. A lineal foot is a measure of distance, with dimensions [L]. The two measure different things and elementary dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions such as these without additional information.

How many square feet in a 6x12 tile?

A 6 ft * 12 ft tile will cover 72 square feet.

How do you convert 1313 tile to sq ft?

What are dimensions of the tile? You usually multiply two sizes of the tile (they are in inch so you convert them in feet) and obtain the sq ft of a tile, and than multiply with the number of tiles that you have.

How do you figure lineal ft of a circle?

Measure the circle's radius and square it. Multiply the result by pi. This number is the circle's lineal foot measurement.

How many sq ft are there in a 20 inch tile?

A square 20-inch tile is 2.78 square feet.

What is the abbreviation for lineal feet?

It is ft. Lineal is not necessary.

How many tile 12x12 will i need for 49 sq ft?

12X12=1 Square Foot of tile. You would need 49 Square Feet of tile.

Convert 12ft by 14ft into square feet?

How to convert 12 ft x 14 ft into square feet

How many square feet in 24X24 tile?

4 sq ft

How much does a square of barrel tile cover?

A square of anything covers 100 sq. ft.

What is the abbreviation of lineal feet?

The word lineal is redundant and so the abbreviation is "ft"