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A pint is a pint is a pint in volume. However 16 oz in a pint is 16 oz in a pound only if it is water. A pint of flour does not weigh a pound as it is not as dense as water. A pint or 16 ounces dry measure of all-purpose flour weighs about 10 ounces (.625 of a pound) Chef Instructor Wayne Wilberding

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Q: How do you convert wet measures to dry measures?
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What does a wet bulb and a dry bulb measure?

A wet bulb measures the temperature after water evaporation allows to cool and a dry bulb measures air temperature.

How do you convert wet tons to dry tons?

To convert wet tons to dry tons, you need to know the moisture content of the material. The formula is: dry tons = wet tons / (1 + (moisture content / 100)). Multiply the wet tons by the reciprocal of 1 plus the moisture content divided by 100 to get the dry tons.

How do you convert pricing from dry ton to wet ton?

To convert pricing from dry ton to wet ton, you need to adjust for the moisture content. The calculation involves dividing the cost per dry ton by the percentage of dry material in the wet ton. This will give you the equivalent cost per wet ton.

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Moisture content in dry basis convert to wet basis?

To convert moisture content from dry basis to wet basis, use the formula: MCwet = (MCdry / (1 - MCdry)) where MCwet is the moisture content on a wet basis and MCdry is the moisture content on a dry basis. For example, if the moisture content on a dry basis is 10%, the moisture content on a wet basis would be 11.1%.

How are dry cell and wet cell batteries the same?

How Dry Cell Batteries and Wet Cell Batteries are the SameThey both convert energy "stored" in chemical compounds into electrical energy.

What equipment would you need to perform an experiment that measures relative humidity?

To measure relative humidity, you would need a hygrometer, which can be a mechanical or electronic device. In addition, you may need a source of temperature data as relative humidity is temperature-dependent. Optionally, you might use a psychrometer, which consists of two thermometers – a dry-bulb and a wet-bulb – to calculate relative humidity based on the temperature difference.

What is wet but is not wet but is dry but is not dry?

Something that is damp or emptiness. These two things are not wet or dry.

What is wet and dry cut of hair?

Wet they cut wet after shampoo-dry they cut it dry

Is the Savanna dry or wet?

The savanna can be dry or wet depending on the climate

Tropical wet and dry savanna?

Tropical wet and dry savanna is a climate characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons. It features a combination of grasslands and scattered trees, with grasses typically drying out or becoming dormant during the dry season. This climate can be found in regions such as parts of Africa, South America, and Asia.

Whats the difference in rocks?

Rocks vary in mineral composition, texture, and origin. Igneous rocks are formed from magma or lava, sedimentary rocks are made from weathered materials or organic debris, and metamorphic rocks are altered by heat and pressure. Each type has distinct characteristics that result from their formation processes.