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10- diez20- veinte30- treinta40- cuarenta50- cincuenta60-sesenta70- setenta80- ochenta90- noventa100- cien
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Q: How do you count by 10's in spanish?
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Related questions

What pattern do you see with skip counts by 3s and 10s?

Every 30 numbers you end up in the 10s place when you count by 3s. 30,60,90

Why is it easier to count by 5s or 10s and 2s instead of counting by 3s or 4s?

It is only because we count in tens - and 5 10 and 2 are factors.

How do you say count in Spanish?

To count is contar. Counting is contando. A count is una cuenta.

How can counting by 10s help you muliply by 10s?

ok i get this

How do you say to count in spanish?


How many spanish words start with ch?

Count them in a Spanish dictionary

How do you say results that you can count on in Spanish?

resultados confiables

How to say count down to Spain in spanish?

cuenta regresiva

How do you say count the nachos in Spanish?

Cuenta los nachos.

What three Pokemon can you count in Spanish?

Articuno Zapdos Moltres

How many 10s in 85?

There are 8 10s in 85, with 5 left over.

How was the word decimals originated?

it originated in Roman times, the Latin word for 10 is deci, so everything used to be divided up in 10s, which was the easiest way to measure and count. ( fingers and toes for example)