

Best Answer

You don't. Those units measure different things, and can't convert to each

other. "Feet" is a unit of distance, like the trip to Grandma's house. "Square

feet" is a unit of area, like a floor, a sheet of paper, or a front yard. If it

were possible to convert distance into area, then you'd be able to calculate

how many acres you drive each day from your house to your school or job.

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Q: How do you covert feet into square feet?
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How do you covert 54 square feet to square feet?

Make the value a secret.

Covert 64000 square feet into square yards?

64,000 square feet = 7,111.1 square yards.

Covert 560 square feet to square yards?

9 square feet = 1 square yard 560 square feet = 622/9 square yards

How covert feet into sq m?

Multiply square feet by 10.75 (10.75269 to be precise) to get square meters.

Covert 1700 square meters to square feet?

Answer: 1700 m² = 18,298.647 ft²

Covert 7.60 square feet to cubic feet?

They do not directly convert. Cubic feet is a measure of volume while square feet is a measure of area.

2000 sq feet to square meters?

1 square feet equals 0.09 square metres. Therefore the answer can be given multiplying the number of square feet with 0.9 to covert to square metres. So, the answer here is 185.5 square metres.

How much is 850 square feet in square meter?

1 square feet equals 0.09 square metres. Therefore the answer can be given multiplying the number of square feet with 0.9 to covert to square metres. So, the answer here is 79 square metres.

How many square meter make 858 square feet?

1 square feet equals 0.09 square metres. Therefore the answer can be given multiplying the number of square feet with 0.9 to covert to square metres. So the answer here is 79.7 square metres

How manyfeet are in 9 square feet?

9 square feet is an area of 3x3 feet (or an equivilant). But you cannot convert from 2 dimensions (areas) to 1 dimensions (lengths). This means that you cannot covert from square feet (an area measure) into feet (a length measure).

Covert 2375 cubic meter into square feet?

Cubic meters or any other measure of volume can not be converted into square feet or any other measure of area! These are incommensurable units.

534cm covert into feet?

It is about 17.5 feet