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4x = 32

x = 8

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Q: How do you create a one step equation with a solution of 8?
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How do you find a solution to a 2 step equation?

The best way is: One step at a time.

How do you solve a two step equation with variables?

I never heard about a "two-step equation". I believe it's the solution process which may have one or several steps.

What is a sentence with one or more variables?

well, an equation with one variable is a one step equation and an equation with more than 2 variables is a multi-step equation

How is solving a two step equation different from one step equations?

In a two step equation, you need to do another step.

Does an equation has a solution?

Yes and sometimes it can have more than one solution.

What is A number that makes a equation true?

The solution set is the answers that make an equation true. So I would call it the solution.

An equation has one solution?

A linear equation in one variable has one solution. An equation of another kind may have none, one, or more - including infinitely many - solutions.

Does an equation always have one solution?

Only a linear equation in one variable x , which is an equation of the form ax + b = 0, (where a is different than 0), has only one solution. The solution is: x = -b/a

Does the equation 7x-56x 3 have exactly one solution?

It has no solution because without an equality sign it is not an equation.

What is the number that can replace a variable in an equation to make it a true equation?

what is the number that can replace a variable in a equation to make it a true equation? 8 letters this is not a good answer go look 4 a notha one

What are the steps on solving equations?

The answer will depend very much on the nature of the equation. The steps required for a one-step equation are very different from the steps required for a partial differential equation. For some equations there are no straightforward analytical methods of solution: only numerical methods.

What does it mean if an equation is simplified to 0 0 do all problems have exactly one solution?

An equation that is simplified to 0 0 is called a perfect equation. It usually have exactly one solution.