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Q: How do you find x in an equation?
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To find the x-intercept you need to set y=0 in your equation. To find the y-intercept you need to set x=0 in your equation.

How do you find the x intercept on a linear equation?

At the x-intercept on the graph of the equation, y=0. Take the equation, set 'y' equal to zero, and solve the equation for 'x'. The number you get is the x-intercept.

What does it mean to find the solution to an equation?

just to find the answer. like if it has an x in it then figure out what the x is

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l x w x h

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The question is suppose to read: Find the equation of the line tangent to y=(x²+3x)²(2x-2)³, when x=8

What does x mean in a math equation?

x is a variable. You do not have to know what its value is. In that equation you have to find the value of x, so if you already know what x stands for then you know the answer

How do you solve for x using a quadratic equation?

For an equation of the form ax² + bx + c = 0 you can find the values of x that will satisfy the equation using the quadratic equation: x = [-b ± √(b² - 4ac)]/2a

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What is an abstract equation?

An abstract equation is an equation where it is impossible, with the information given, to find the numeric values of the variables. For example 2X=4Y can be reduced to X=2Y or Y=X/2 or 2=X/Y but you cannot find the numeric values of X or Y.

How do you find the x-intercept of a graph from the equation?

Solve f(x) =0 or y = 0 (depending on how the equation is given).

How do you find the gradient of a quadratic equation?

First the formula is g(x)=ax2+bx+c First find where the parabola cuts the x axis Then find the equation of the axis of symmetry Then

How do you find the x's that make the equation equal to 0?

You would set the equation equal to 0 and then solve for x. You may get one or several answers for x, x being the number(s) that make the equation equal 0.