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Q: How do you define job evaluation and incentive schemes starlight line?
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How do you define evaluation?

Evaluation is the act of determining the worth of something

What are the steps for carrying out an impact evaluation?

Define the evaluation objectives and research questions. Select appropriate evaluation methods and data collection techniques. Collect and analyze data to assess the intervention's impact. Interpret the findings and communicate results to stakeholders.

What is the definition of strategy evaluation?

the broad collection of decision rules and guideline that define a business scope and growth direction

Define analytical research?

Analytical means the researcher use facts and information already available and the analysis and making the evaluation.

What is the opposite of an incentive?

The opposite is a disincentive. A negative inducement (intended to have a similar effect) would be coercion. I would like to add the word deterrent, rather than define a word using its root.

What are the feasibility study and define each?

Feasibility study is the evaluation of a proposed project. This is to determine if the project is technically feasible, feasible within estimated cost, and will be profitable.

Define PERT and CPM network?

P E R T is the acronym for Product Evaluation Review Technique. C P M signifies Critical Path Method.

Define opportunity and explain three approaches to opportunity identification?

Approaches to opportunity identification include market gap identification through evaluation of potential competitors. Buying into an existing venture

What is the significants and value of curriculum?

The curriculum defines what is to be taught and the sequence it is to be taught in. It may (should) also define the assessment and standards required for evaluation of the curriculum. The value and significance can only be determined by the content.

How do you define motivation?

Motivation is the driving force that compels individuals to take action towards achieving their goals. It is the inner desire or incentive that pushes people to work towards personal or professional fulfillment.

What are the six phases in decision making in entrepreneurship?

Define Problem Statement Generate Multiple SolutionsAvoid premature decisionsGenerate Problem Solutions Define evaluation criteria for all solutions.evaluate Advantages & dis advantages for each solution.Select Best SolutionIdeas to Action (Select Action/Solution) Involve key participationGain AcceptanceCommitment for solution to work.Solution Action Planning (Agreement) Post Implement Analysis.EvaluationLessons LearnedSolution Evaluation Planning Evaluate how well the problem was solved.Evaluation of outcome and process

Define evaluation in terms of education?

Education is the formal acquisition of knowledge and skills that a person needs in order to achieve success in the course of one's life, especially in one's career or profession.