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Q: How do you describe the relationship of a ratio?
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When the ratio of two variables is constant their relationship can be describe as?

Direct proportion, linear, first-order... all of these are valid answers, depending on the particular field you're talking about.

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How can a line graph be used to describe a relationship?

It depends on what kind of relationship. If it's business wise, then it can describe a relationship between products and sales. If it is mathematics wise, then it can be used to describe a relationship by showing the differences and similarities of different products.

What is a relationship in which the ratio is not constant?

Unbalanced relation,

What is the ratio of 32?

A 'ratio' shows a relationship between two numbers. There's no such thing as the ratio of one single number.

How do you make sure that a ratio has a proportional relationship with another?

By complete solubIlity we can check this relationship.

How do you answer a ratio?

the answer on how to do a ratio problem is the relationship in quantity,amount,or size between two or more things.