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You cut the shape down into smaller shapes that you recognise and know how to calculate the area of. Then calculate the area of the small shapes and add the all up.

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Q: How do you determine the area of a figure that is not a rectangular polygon?
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It depends on the prism. There will be different formulae for the bases depending on type of polygon and that will also determine the number of rectangular faces.

What is the surface area of a rectangular pyramid?

Figure it out stupid.

What is area the polygon?

Impossible to figure out. You did not mention any dimensions of the figure. You mush have the dimensions.

What is the area of a regular polygon?

Impossible to figure out. You did not mention any dimensions of the figure. You mush have the dimensions.

How do you figure the perimeter of a polygon with an area of 72?

I can not tell you. It is because i do not know what shape the polygon is. You must tell me that first.

How do you determine the area of a rectangular flower bed?

You multiply the length by the width.

Is a one sided shape a regular polygon?

No. To be a polygon a figure must be "closed", that is, enclose an area. At least three line segments are required to enclose an area.

What is the perimeter of an octagon that has an area of 43560 sq ft?

The area of a polygon is not enough to determine its shape - unless it is a regular polygon. There is nothing in the question to suggest that the octagon is regular.

What is the shape for a figure to have a perimeter of 20 and an area of 18?

Perimeter and area are not sufficient to determine the shape of a figure.

How do you determine area if perimeter is given?

More information is required in order to answer this question. What is the shape for which the perimeter is given? If it anything other than a circle or regular polygon it is not possible to determine the area. For a circle or regular polygon, the answer will depend on the shape.

What is the difference between a polygon and a plane figure?

A polygon is a plane figure which comprises one area bounded by three or more straight line segments. A general plane figure can have curved boundaries or sides that cross each other.

What is the formula for a polygon?

The formulas for a polygon depend on the particular figure. A polygon can be a rectangle, triangle, pentagon, or many other plane figures. So, the formulas for area and volume will be different depending on the type of polygon you have.