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Q: How do you determine the cube of an item?
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You use a cube on the item, which can be bought from the cash shop.

What item in your house is one cubit?

A sugar cube.

How do you determine the volume of an ice cube?

Find the length width and height of the ice cube

How do you determine a cube?

A cube is a hexahedron in which each edge is of the same length and in which the edges meet at right angles.

How can you determine that a cube has 6 edges?

You can't because a cube has 12 edges, 6 faces and 8 vertices.

How do you determine edges in a cube?

They are the straight "lines" where two faces meet.

What is the cube of an item 40.5 x 29 x 32?

37,584 cubic units

How to determine the volume of the cube?

Wer:l x w x h = volume

How do determine the volume of a cube structure?

length x width x height.

The surface area of a cube is 300 square feet. What is the best first step to determine the length of one of the sides of the cube?

Divide 300 by 6

Does the size of an object determine the weight and the volume?

Not necessarily. a cube of 1x1x1 of solid gold weights over 19 times than a 1x1x1 cube of water. It takes 2 of the factors, volume, weight, and density to determine the third.

Does a large cube have more mass than a small cube?

A large cube may have more mass than a small cube if it is made from a denser material or if it has a greater volume, meaning more matter is packed into the large cube. However, the size alone does not determine the mass.