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The volume of a cube is given by side3, so given the volume take its cube root; thus:

volume = 1280 = side3

⇒ side = 3√1280 units.

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Q: How do you determine the length of the edge of a cube that has a volume of 1280?
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What is the cube root of volume of cube?

The volume of a cube is determined by cubing the length of one edge, so the cube root of the volume will give you the length of an edge. (In a cube, all of the edges are the same length)

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The volume of a cube depends on the length of its edges. The formula to calculate the volume of a cube is V = s^3, where s represents the length of one side of the cube.

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The length of a side of a cube whose volume is 125cm to the third power?

The formula for the volume (V) of a cube is V = L3, where L is the length of a side. If V = 1253 = L3 : then L = 125 cm The answer is obtained by substitution. It is unnecessary to cube 125 and then determine the cube root.

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The volume of a cube is the side cubed, so a cube with a side length of 4 has a volume of 43 = 64.

How do you find the length of a cube if you know the volume?

A cube is a three dimensional object with all six faces square in shape. This means all edges have the same length, L.The volume of a cube is the cube of the length of an edge:width x height x depth,and because all these are the same it is the same as saying:L x L x L or L3,So if you have the volume, to determine the length of an edge, you need to find the cube root of the volume V:3√V=L

How do you figure the length of a cube if you know the volume?

Cube root its volume

What is the formula for volume of the cube?

The volume of a cube is (length of side)3.

How to find side of a cube if the volume is given?

Find the cube root of the volume. Volume of a cube = length of side^3 therefore length of side = volume^(1/3)