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The formula for the volume (V) of a cube is V = L3, where L is the length of a side.

If V = 1253 = L3 : then L = 125 cm

The answer is obtained by substitution. It is unnecessary to cube 125 and then determine the cube root.

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Q: The length of a side of a cube whose volume is 125cm to the third power?
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Should I find the volume of a cube by raising it to the third power?

You find the length of one side and take it to the third power. Vcube = (length of side)3

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It is 5 cm.

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Because, to find the volume of a cube, you raise the length of the side to the third power: if the side of a cube is 2, the volume is 2^3 or 8.

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To find the volume of a cube, raise the length of a side to the third power.

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You can not equate a measurement of volume (the ml) with a measurement of length (the cm).

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This is related to the formula to find the volume of a cube (raise the length of the side to the third power).

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You cannot find the volume of a square. You can find the volume of a cube, which is finding the length of one edge of the cube and taking that to the third power, or cubing it.

Why is a cube number called a cube number?

To calculate the volume of a cube, you use the third power of the length, so for example, if the length of an edge of a cube is 3" then the volume is 3x3x3 = 27 cubic inches. As a result, any time a number is raised to the third power, we can call it cubed, much as raising it to the second power is that number squared.

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The volume of any cube is the cube or third power of the length of one of its sides. In this instance, (6 inches)3 equals 216 cubic inches.