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Depends on the shape, a square is easiest, P = 4 times sqrt A.

Rectangle not possible to be definite as eg 24 sqin could be 1 x 24, 2 x 12, 3 x 8

or 4 x 6 , giving P 50, 28, 22 and 20 respectively.

Circle P (circumference) = 2A x sqrt (A/pi)

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Q: How do you determine the perimeter given the area?
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Based on the given information, there is no way to determine the perimeter.

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More information is required in order to answer this question. What is the shape for which the perimeter is given? If it anything other than a circle or regular polygon it is not possible to determine the area. For a circle or regular polygon, the answer will depend on the shape.

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The perimeter of square is 4 x length If you have perimeter only divide by 4 to get length and The area of square is length x length If you already have length that is all you need to know

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Depending on the figure given you can find the area from the perimeter For example- If you have a square with a perimeter of 24, you divide 24 by 4 because all the sides of a square are congruent. In turn you will 6 as each side of the square The formula for the area of a square is side2 so you get 62 which is 36. The area is 36

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If you are given the width and the perimeter, then figure out what the length is then calculate the area... hope this helps :)

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In general you cannot find the perimeter of any shape if only the area is given.

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Perimeter and area are not sufficient to determine the shape of a figure.

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Based on the given information, there is no way to determine the perimeter. Assuming the room is a square, then you could take the square root of 246 (≈15.6843871) and multiply that by 4 (≈ 62.7375484), which would be the perimeter of a square room with this area.

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Perimeter = 4 times the square root of the area.

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