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Q: How do you diagonal cut food?
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Related questions

Is there a reason to cut lawns diagonal?

You cut lawns diagonal so your grass looks nice and it makes your neighbors envious.

Does diagonal mean an angle cut?

Diagonal means a line that is not vertical or horizontal, but in between. i.e. / or \

How can I achieve a clean and precise diagonal cut when working with fabric?

To achieve a clean and precise diagonal cut when working with fabric, use sharp fabric scissors and a ruler to guide your cut. Make sure the fabric is flat and smooth before cutting, and take your time to ensure a straight and accurate cut along the diagonal line.

How do you cut a perfect 45 degree angle?

Diagonal of a square?

What does bias cut mean?

Fabric which is cut 'on the bias' is neither cut across the weave nor along it, but at a diagonal between them - imagine the diagonal of a square and this is the line that a bias cut follows. Farbic cut in this way tends to drape around the body well and 'clings' far more than a standard cut.

What to do if your tie is too long for you shirt?

Cut diagonal from the sides of the tie.

What is a sentence using the word diagonal?

The path was marked as a red diagonal line on the map. In chess, bishops move along diagonal lines, always on the same colored square. Cut the square of cloth on a diagonal line to form two triangular bandages.

What if a Pentagon is cut along a diagonal line what shapes does it make?

a semi circle

Why does the bishop in chess have a cut in it?

The bishop has two diagonal cuts for two reasons. First it is to look like a bishop's Mitre, his ceremonial hat which has diagonal sides. The second is to show that the Bishop moves in diagonal directions.

Side-cutters or Diagonal cutting pliers should be used to cut?

Side-cutters or diagonal cutting pliers should be used to cut wires, cables, and other materials where precision cuts are required. They have a cutting edge that is angled to provide a clean cut close to the surface.

How can you use diagonal in everyday life?

Literally, to cut corners - take short cuts.

What would the cross section of a cylinder cut with a diagonal plane look like?
