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Q: How do you divide 27 dollar bills evenly without making change between 4 people?
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How to make a dollar out of change without quarters?

ten dimes

What is the most amount of change you can have without being able to make change for dollar bill?

If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.

What is the largest number of coins you can have without having even change for a dollar?


How many quarters could you have without having change for dollar?

3. Once you have four, you've got change.

What is the most amount of coins you can have without making change for one dollar?

99 cents

What is the largest amount of American currency one can hold without having change for a dollar?

The largest amount of US coinage that one can hold without having change for a dollar is $1.19, comprised of: 3 quarters (or 1 half dollar and 1 quarter), 4 dimes, and 4 pennies

How might two fathers and two sons divide twenty-one dollar bills evenly among themselves without making change?

one son is also a father. This means there are three of them so each gets seven dollars.

How would you change a fraction to a percent decimal and equivalent dollar amount?

To change a fraction into percentage form, divide 100 by the denominator (the number underneath) and multiply by the numerator. So, if the fraction was 3/5, you would divide 100 by 5 (20) and multiply by 3, giving 60%. 60% of 1 dollar is 60 cents. the other way is to multiply the numerator by 100 and divide by the denominator (ie. multiply 3 by 100 (300) and divide by 5 = 60(%))

In how many different ways can you make change for one dollar without using pennies?

From my calculations, there's only 293 ways to make change for a dollar.

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How do you make a dollar in change?

you make a dollar in change by getting four quarters. four quarters= one dollar

How come 100 penny make a dollar?

That's because people decided to divide the dollar that way.