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You cannot do it if the numbers must be different. If some can be equal then there are 200 different answers and I cannot list them all.

Two examples:

{2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,34} and {4,4,6,6,6,6,6,6,6}

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Q: How do you divide 50 rs into 9 parts but all are even numbers?
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What is the 2 factors of even numbers?

it is the integers of even numbers which divide all the even numbers

How do you find the median of an even set of number?

Find the average. That is, add all of the even numbers together, then divide that by the number of even numbers.

Why do all even numbers have a factor of 2?

Because 2 will divide into them with no remainder.

Why do odd numbers can go into even numbers but even numbers don't go into odd numbers?

All even numbers have 2 as a factor - that is in their definition No odd numbers have 2 as a factor - that is in theirs. Trying to divide 2, or any multiple of it, into a number that by definition cannot be divided by 2, is a hopeless endeavour. There is no guarantee that you can divide an even number by an odd one, but it is not impossible.

Why do all even numbers have 2 as a factor?

All even numbers have 2 as a factor because they are all divisible by 2. Half of the numbers are odd and half of them are even. It makes sense that half of them would be divisible by 2.Because of the definition of an even number (an even number is an integer that can be divided by 2 evenly; with no remainer).

How do you divide 16 equally?

You can divide it by 4 (4 being 16's square root). Or you can divide it by 8. Also you can divide it by 2 because all even numbers are divisible by 2.

Which kind of number is divisible by 2 - odd numbers - all counting numbers - even numbers - whole numbers?

Only even numbers are divisible by two. If you have an odd number, for example 3, and divide by two, you will get 1 with a remander of 1.

How do you divide the mean?

You add up all the numbers in the sentence then divide by how many numbers there were.

Does 2 go into 650?

YES!!! Remember for any even number, it will divide by '2'. All even numbers end in 0,2,4,6,8,.

How do you find the average when there are even numbers?

No difference. Add them all up and divide by the number of items you added together.

To divide break down divide into parts?

"Divide" means to separate or split something into smaller parts. "Break down" means to simplify or analyze something into its components. "Divide into parts" means to separate a whole into smaller sections.

How do you get the mean of something?

You add up all the numbers and then you divide the number you get and divide it by how many numbers you have.