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To divide a 4-digit number by a two digit number, follow the instructions below slowly, making sure you understandeach step.

NOTE: PLEASE TRY TO IGNORE THE .... PRECEDING ALL MY EXAMPLES BELOW, I COULD NOT FIND ANY WAY TO CORRECTLY FORMAT THE EXAMPLES WITH SPACES! (I tried to use quoted text, and that didn't work, if anyone could find a way to correct this, that would be good!!!)

Example numbers: divide 34 into 4556

1. See if the first two digits of the 4 digit number is greater or less than the two digit number;

2. if they're greater, proceed to step 2a; if they're NOT, skip to step #3: (yes, 45 is greater than 34)

2a. then see how many times the two digit number goes into those first two digits of the 4-digit number, and put that answer above the second digit of the 4-digit number you're dividing into; (there's no more than one 34 in 45, so put 1 above the 5 in 45);

........... 1

34 into 4556

2b. then multiply that answer times the two digit number you're dividing by, and put the result under the first two digits of the 4-digit number, and subtract it from those first two digits of the 4-digit number (1 x 34 = 34; 45 - 34 = 11);

........... 1

34 into 4556




2c. bring the third-digit of the 4-digit number down to the end of the result of your subtraction above, to make a new number (it will either be now a 2 or 3 digit number, depending on how many digits were in the result of your subtraction) ( 5 after 45 brought down to after 11 gives 115);

........... 1

34 into 4556




2d. repeat step #1 above, with regard to the 2 or 3 digit number you got in the step above, step 2c;

2e. if it's greater, do step 2a on it, placing the result above the third digit of the 4-digit number (yes, 115 is greater than 34, and 34 goes into 115 no more than 3 times, so put the 3 above the 2nd 5 in 4556);

........... 13

34 into 4556




2f. if the result of the subtraction turns out sometimes to be lesser, you'll have to follow the instructions below in step # 3;

2g. since 115 is greater than 34, repeat step 2b with the number you put above the third digit of the 4-digit number (3x34=102), and then repeat step 2c with the result of that multiplication (115 - 102 = 13);

........... 13

34 into 4556







2h. now repeat step 2c, with the last digit in the 4-digit number (bring the 6 down to after the 13, giving 136):

........... 13

34 into 4556







2i. now repeat step 1 with respect to the number you just got in step 2h (yes, 136 is greater than 34, so repeat step 2a (34 goes into 136 exactly 4 times, so write it above the last digit in the 4-digit number, write 4, above the 6);

........... 134

34 into 4556







2j. now repeat 2b by multiplying the 4 you just got times the 34 you're dividing by, getting 136, and put it below the 136 you were dividing into, and subtract the two numbers, getting zero, no more numbers left, meaning that you're finished, the answer is 134:

........... 134 <-- the answer!

34 into 4556









...............0 <-- indicates you're finished, no more number left!

(check your work: 34 x 134 = 4556, correct!)

3. if the test in step #1 results that the first two digits in the 4-digit number is LESS than the two digit number you want to divide into the 4-digit number, then you have to move over one digit in the 4-digit number, and begin to operate on the first THREE digits of the 4-digit number, like this:

example: divide 34 into 3162

the first two digits of the 4-digit number, 31, is smaller than 34, so begin to operate on the first three digits, 316

3a. see how many times 34 goes into 316, and put that answer above the third digit of the 4-digit number (there's no more than 9 34's in 316, so put 9 above the 6 in 3162):


divide 34 into 3162

3b. continue as in the parts of step 2 (9X34 = 306, place under 316):


divide 34 into 3162



3c. subtract 306 from 316, = 10, place under 306:


divide 34 into 3162




3d. bring down the last digit of the 4-digit number, 2, put at the end of the 10 resulting from the above subtraction, giving 102:


divide 34 into 3162




3e. divide 34 into 102, place the answer above the last digit of the 4-digit number (34 goes into 102 exactly 3 times):


divide 34 into 3162




3f. multiply the 3 you just got times the 34 you're dividing by (3x34=102), place it under the 102 you divided into, subtract and get zero, indicating that you're through, and the answer is 93.

......................93 <-- answer!

divide 34 into 3162

................. .306





.........................0 <-- indicates you're finished, no more number left!



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Q: How do you divide a four digit number by a two digit number?
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