Divide the denominator into the numerator.
Divide the denominator into the numerator.
To make a fraction into a decimal, you divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator. The numerator is the number on top, and the denominator is the number on the bottom of the fraction.
You divide the denominator into the numerator getting a decimal and u make a percent from the decimal.
Divide the denominator into the numerator.
Divide the denominator into the numerator.
Divide the denominator into the numerator.
Divide 100 into the number. You will need to add a decimal and zeros to make it work. The result is a percentage. Divide the numerator by the denominator
You divide 7 by 12.
To make a fraction into a decimal, you divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator. The numerator is the number on top, and the denominator is the number on the bottom of the fraction.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator.
Make the mixed number into an improper fraction and then divide the numerator into the denominator and then move the decimal to the left two places!!!!!!!(:
You divide the denominator into the numerator getting a decimal and u make a percent from the decimal.
823 is a proper fraction since it has no decimal.
divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number)