When dividing by decimals, the easiest way to do this is to modify the question so that there is no longer a decimal in the divisor.
Just as with equivalent fractions, if we multiply the dividend and the divisor by the same number, we do not actually change the question.
For example, consider 1 divided by 0.2 (ie 1 / 0.2)
Start by multiplying the dividend and the divisor by 10 to remove the decimal in the divisor. This changes the problem to 10 / 2.
We can now evaluate the division to give 10/2=5.
In your specific case where you want to divide by 3.14, you would times both the dividend and the divisor by 100 to remove the decimal in the divisor.
For example
6.28 / 3.14 = 628 / 314 = 2
divide the circumference by pie (3.14) and the answer would be the radius. for example circumference = 314 pie = 3.14 so 314 divide by 3.14 = 100 so the radius = 100
The circumference is 62.815 units.
10 pi or 314.someting something 10 pi or 314.someting something 10 pi or 314.someting something
C=2*pi*r A=pi*r^2 so you divide the circumference by 2*pi (~6.28), then square that and multiply by pi (~3.14) and that would get you the area of a circle i.e. if Circumference = 62.8 inches...you divide by 6.28 and get 10, then you square that (10*10=100), then you multiply by pi...100*3.14= 314 square inches.
divide the circumference by pie (3.14) and the answer would be the radius. for example circumference = 314 pie = 3.14 so 314 divide by 3.14 = 100 so the radius = 100
Don't get cared by the decimal, it's just a point. It means: divide by 10^n where n is the number of digits after the decimal. So in this case, 3.14 means 314 / 10^2 = 314 / 100 so you are actually doing this 314/100 x 4 = 314 x 1/100 x 4. Multiplication is commutative so you might as well do 4 x 314, then divide by 100. So you should get 1256 / 100. To divide by 100, recall what decimal means, it's simply 12.56 :D
you divide by pi (3.14) then take the square root, then multiply by 2 and multiply by pi (3.14)...in that order i.e. if you have a circle with area of 314 square inches, you take the 314 and divide by 3.14...you get 100...then you take the square root of 100...you get 10...then you multiply by 2...you get 20...then you multply by 3.14...you get 62.8 inches...thats the circumference of a circle with an area of 314 square inches
Diameter = 314/pi feet
The diameter of a circle whose circumference is 314 is about 1 (99.95).
The circumference is 62.815 units.
about 314
Circumference = 314 inches implies radius = 49.97 inches and so area = 7846.02 sq inches (approx).
Approximatly 50inches
10 pi or 314.someting something 10 pi or 314.someting something 10 pi or 314.someting something
C=2*pi*r A=pi*r^2 so you divide the circumference by 2*pi (~6.28), then square that and multiply by pi (~3.14) and that would get you the area of a circle i.e. if Circumference = 62.8 inches...you divide by 6.28 and get 10, then you square that (10*10=100), then you multiply by pi...100*3.14= 314 square inches.
Dividing 80 by 3.14 is the same thing as dividing 8000 by 314. All you have to do is move the decimal point over the same number of spaces on both numbers and then divide the way you normally would.