No difference.
the difference between two equal fractions is zero.
There are many fractions between 9.4 and 9.45! For instance: 9 400947094/1000000000 is between these numbers.
that they dont looks like them
The concept of consecutive has no meaning for fractions. This is because there are infinitely many fractions between any two fractions. And between any two of them, there are infinitely many, and so on. As a result, there cannot be any "next" fraction.
There an infinite number of fractions between them. 1/4 is one of them.
whats the the line between fractions
No difference.
the difference between two equal fractions is zero.
it helps you find the distance between fractions beacause the new name should be an equivalent fraction
There are many fractions between 9.4 and 9.45! For instance: 9 400947094/1000000000 is between these numbers.
There are infinitely many fractions between any two fractions.
that they dont looks like them
9 1/2 is one of infinitely many fractions between 12 and 1.
There is no "after" in the context of fractions. They are infinitely dense: what that means that between any two fractions, there are infinitely many fractions. And between any two of them there are infinitely many, and so on.
There are an infinite number of fractions that lie between any two fractions. In this case 13/24 is one example.
There are no fractions between 8/10s and 4/5s because those fractions are equal. In decimal form they equal .8