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Q: How do you draw a rectangle with perimeter of 14cm where the the 2 long length 5cm each?
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How do you draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 12 units and an area equalling 8?

The rectangle would have a width of 2 and a length of 4.

How do you draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 20 units and an area of 25 square units?

The rectangle is in fact a square with 4 equal sides of 5 units in length.

Draw a flowchart that will compute and display the Area of a rectangle using the formula: Area = Length Width?

The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is: p = 2(l + w) In other words, just add all four sides. You can't calculate the perimeter of the rectangle if you know only the length.

Who do you draw a rectangle with the Area 4 perimeter 6?

It's impossible. The largest area for a rectangle with perimeter of 6 is 2.25, a perfect square with a length of 1.5 for each side. Any other combination yields a smaller area.

How do you draw a 12 perimeter rectangle?

Select any number, B, less than or equal to 3 units. Let L = 6 - B units. Then, a rectangle with length L and breadth B will have a perimeter of 12 units.

How do you draw a rectangle wth perimeter 20 cm and the least possible area?

0.000...1cm length on two sides. 19.999...9cm length on the other two.

How you could use grid paper to draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 18 units?

Since the perimeter is 18, the sum of the length and breadth is 18/2 units = 9 units. Draw a straight line on the grid of less than 9 units. At right angles to that line, draw another line so that the two lines have a combined length of 9 units. These two lines are the two adjacent lines of the rectangle. Use the grid to draw line parallel to these so that you have a rectangle.

Is it possibe to draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 15cm?

Yes 3x5

Draw a rectangle with an area of 36cm and a perimeter of 30cm?

The rectangle has dimensions of [ 12 x 3 ].

Draw a rectangle with a square area of 5 and a perimeter of 21?

10 ------------------------------- | | 0.5 -------------------------------

Is it possible to draw a figure with the area of 14 and perimeter of 18?

Yes, draw a 2 x 7 rectangle.

If you know the perimeter and lenght of a rectangle and want to find its width do you divide the perimeter by the length?

No. If you draw a rectangle there are four sides, the length of two of those sides are equal to the length, and the other two are equal to the width. Therefore: the perimeter, which is equal to all the sides added up, is equal to two times the length plus two times the width: or 2L+2W= Perimeter. If you know L and you know the perimeter you can solve it algebraically. the width equals the perimeter minus two times the length, all that divided by two, or W= (P-2L)/2 (when you do the algebra). you might be thinking about the area in which case if you knew the area and the length and you want to find the width you would divide the area by the length.