Multiply all terms by a number (usually a power of 10) large enough to turn all decimal numbers into whole numbers.
For example, take .4x = .75x - 2; multiply everything by 100 (102) to get 40x = 75x - 200.
Obviously, this method won't work with irrational decimals such as pi.
You can eliminate the fractions before proceeding to solve the equation to allow for easy factorization.
There should be no points after the decimal point.
87.656 87.66
Decimal points aren't positive or negative. Decimals can be either.
Put the numbers in a column with the decimal points aligned. Add the numbers ignoring the decimal points. Insert the decimal point in the answer exactly below the column of decimal points in the numbers being added (summands).
You can eliminate the fractions before proceeding to solve the equation to allow for easy factorization.
There should be no points after the decimal point.
Multiply both sides ofthe equation by the 'denominator' of the fraction.
87.656 87.66
This equation is already a decimal.
Decimal points aren't positive or negative. Decimals can be either.
Put the numbers in a column with the decimal points aligned. Add the numbers ignoring the decimal points. Insert the decimal point in the answer exactly below the column of decimal points in the numbers being added (summands).
You must add 9 digits (or 12 digits, depending on the country) after the decimal point, and eliminate the decimal point. Thus (assuming the "short scale") you get: 53,620,000,000.You must add 9 digits (or 12 digits, depending on the country) after the decimal point, and eliminate the decimal point. Thus (assuming the "short scale") you get: 53,620,000,000.You must add 9 digits (or 12 digits, depending on the country) after the decimal point, and eliminate the decimal point. Thus (assuming the "short scale") you get: 53,620,000,000.You must add 9 digits (or 12 digits, depending on the country) after the decimal point, and eliminate the decimal point. Thus (assuming the "short scale") you get: 53,620,000,000.
Write the numbers in a column so that all the decimal points are one below the other. Put a decimal point in the answers underneath the coumn of decimal points. Then add the numbers ignoring the decimal points.
A number with two decimal points cannot be a decimal number.