Decimal points aren't positive or negative. Decimals can be either.
A negative decimal plus a negative decimal equals a more negative decimal
It is not possible to have a number such as 2.959.25 - with two decimal points!
There should be no points after the decimal point.
87.656 87.66
-0.9 is a decimal.
yes, it is possible to have a negative decimal.
10^-1 = 0.1
It is not possible since a decimal number cannot have more than one decimal points - as the given number does.
A negative decimal plus a negative decimal equals a more negative decimal
74.55% (to two decimal places)
It is not possible to convert a number with 2 decimal points into scientific notation.
It is not possible to tell because the "number" is the question appears to have two decimal points!
It is not possible to have a number such as 2.959.25 - with two decimal points!
The decimal would be negative. Ex: -2/3 is -0.67
There should be no points after the decimal point.
87.656 87.66
Any number, negative or positive, can be expressed as a decimal number. So a negative number can always be expressed as a negative decimal.