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it would not be a good time to estimate mixed numbers is when both of the fractions are not a mixed number

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Q: In what situation would not be a good idea with estimating mixed numbers?
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Desccride a situation in which estimating mixed numbers would not be good idea?

When both of the fractions are not even mixed numbers!

What cost estimating technique would be indicated for the following situation The Program is going to a MS C Decision in a year The estimate is due several months to a year from now.?


How can you use compatible numbers to estimate the quotient for 1089 divided by 99?


What are the rules to Estimating products and quotients of mixed numbers?

Estimating sumsUse rounded numbers to estimate sums.Example 1Give an estimate for the sum of 19.61 and 5.07 by rounding to the nearest tenth.Round each number to the nearest tenth.Example 2Estimate the sum of 19.61 + 5.07 by rounding to the nearest whole number.Round each number to a whole number.Estimating differencesUse rounded numbers to estimate differences.Example 3Give an estimate for the difference of 12.356 - 5.281 by rounding to the nearest whole number.Round each number to the nearest whole number.Now subtract.So 12.356 - 5.281 ≈ 7.Estimating productsUse rounded numbers to estimate products.Example 4Estimate the product of 4.7 × 5.9 by rounding to the nearest whole number.Round each number to a whole number.So 4.7 × 5.9 ≈ 30.Again, in decimals, as in whole numbers, if both multipliers end in .5, or are halfway numbers, rounding one number up and one number down will give you a better estimate of the product.Example 5Estimate the product of 7.5 × 8.5 by rounding to the nearest whole number.You can also round the first number down and the second number up and get this estimate.In either case, your approximation will be closer than it would be if you rounded both numbers up, which is the standard rule.Estimating quotientsUse rounded numbers to estimate quotients.Example 6Estimate the quotient of 27.49 ÷ 3.12 by rounding to the nearest whole number.Round each number to the nearest whole number.

How do you add mixed numbers with different denominators?

First convert them t top-heavy fractions. Treat these as you would ordinary fractions: find common denominator and so on. At the end, convert the top heave fraction back to a mixed fraction.