This when you are rounding off 43210 copy,56789 add 1
300000 and 1000
2 x 6300 = 12,600 The actual answer is 12,508.
It means to express a number as the product of its factors. Factors are either composite numbers or prime numbers (except that 0 and 1 are neither prime nor composite).
Rounding off, 80 x 60 = 4800. The actual product is 4698.
By rounding off.
40 x 30 = 1200
This when you are rounding off 43210 copy,56789 add 1
when both factors in a multiplication problem are rounded up to estimate the product, the estimate is an overestimate.
300000 and 1000
to find a low estimate for the product of two decimals, round both factors
2 x 6300 = 12,600 The actual answer is 12,508.
That's an overestimate.
3 x 5 = 15