

How do you exceed a target?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: How do you exceed a target?
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What does exceed mean?

To go past the expected result, e.g. timmy was predicted a B but he exceeded his target and got an A :)

Describe a situation when you exceed sales target?

When I was a member of the U. S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps, we had to sell at least one book of tickets to the Holiday Dance. I was able to sell three books of tickets, and that was exceeding my sales target. Any well written business plan will include a sales target for the reporting period, usually a quarter of the year. When the sales proceeds are higher than the target, you have exceeded your sales target.

What is the prefix version for exceed?

Over exceed

Is exceed a verb?

Yes, the word exceed is a verb.

Is exceed a proper noun?

No, the word 'exceed' is not a noun.The word 'exceed' is a verb (exceed, exceeds, exceeding, exceeded).The noun forms of the verb to exceed are exeeder (one who exceeds) and the gerund, exceeding.A related noun form is excess.

A sentence with the word exceed?

By working hard, you can exceed my expectations.

Cheque is returned due to exceed arrangements?

Exceed arrangement

What means to exceed or go beyond?

To exceed or go beyond means to do, or have more of something than what was required or expected. Let us say, for example, that you are a furniture salesman, and you are told by your manager that you should try to sell a thousand dollars worth of furniture today, and at the end of the day you have sold two thousand dollars worth of furniture. You have therefore exceeded your target.

What is a sentence for exceed?

I can exceed more than I exceeded last week.

Can you give 10 exapmle sentences using the word exceed?

I will exceed the speed limit. Giving 10 examples might exceed my patience.

Why numbers cannot exceed 9?

the number that cannot exceed neni is Q

A sentence for exceed?

I often exceed my teacher's expectations by going above and beyond.