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It depends on what the "something" is.

The probability that the roll of a regular die will never exceed 6 is 1.

The probability that the roll of a regular die will never exceed 3 is 0.5.

The probability that the roll of a regular die will never exceed 0 is 0.

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Q: What is the probability that something will never happen?
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Does something that can never happen have a probability of 0?

Yes, a probability of 0 is something that cannot happen.

What is the sum of probability that something will happen and the probability that something will NOT happen?

The sum is 1

Probability is the chance that something will or will not happen?

Usually, probability is the chance that something will happen; but it can be will not happen as well.

How are possibility and probability alike?

They are not. A possibility refers to something that might happen. A probability is a measure of the likelihood that something will - or will not - happen.

What best describes probablity?

Probability is a numeric expression of the "odds" that something will happen.

What does a probability of 0 mean give an example?

ifan event has a probability of zero it'll never happen. 6 over 0 will never happen.

Why probability always lays 0 to 1?

0 represents that is will never happen. It means that there is no probability that it will happen. 1 represents that is is certain to happen. You cannot be more certain than definitely certain, and something cannot be less probable than not at all.

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What is a theoratical probability?

Its the proability that something will happen.

What is the mathematical chance that something will happen?

Its probability.

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What is an event that has a probability of 0?

It is something that cannot happen.